b. passionate | b. brave | b. you

Hey, y’all.  Just a little intro to erin b. personal fitness and how all of this came about.

I’ve been an interior designer for longer than I’d like to admit.  I will always love all things design, but my passion for helping others was stifled. Call it a mid-life crisis, but as I approached my 40th birthday, I truly felt like something was missing.  But why? I have a loving and supportive family, dear friends, excellent health, a successful career, and the list goes on. As I spent day after day sitting at my desk, I realized that the highlight of my day was my workout; the one hour that I truly anticipated, and quite frankly, would be ticked if external forces caused me to miss it.  I love fitness classes. I love getting my a$$ kicked by my personal trainer. It’s the only time each day that I can truly escape - I’m so focused on the instruction, my form and not hitting my neighbor with a kettlebell (it’s never happened, btw) that I don’t think about life outside of those walls. Not only is my workout physical, but it’s also mental.  A mental break from the “real world”.

And then it hit me - I can help others by doing something I love. With amazing support from my sweet hubby and parents, and my personal trainer, I decided to become a personal trainer. I talked to numerous experienced professionals in Nashville (what a great community I’m fortunate to be a part of!), did extensive research and decided to study for the NASM CPT exam.  With a creative background, and very little science since high school, the studying was tough for me. Frustrating. There were many times that I just couldn’t grasp the concepts, couldn’t pronounce the scientific terms and honestly didn’t think I was smart enough to complete the program. But I kept reminding myself that I have something to offer. I don’t know it all, and I will continue to learn daily.  But I'm hopeful that I can help others learn from both my past successes as well as failures. I received my NASM CPT in August 2018.

One area in which I hope to gain more extensive knowledge is nutrition.  As important as movement and physical fitness is, what we put into our bodies is even more important.  Erin Oprea’s The 4x4 Diet is a book I highly recommend.  I have been able to make minimal changes to my diet (buy this brand not that brand type changes) with the knowledge I gained thru her easy read.  Also, I totally admire that she is a celebrity trainer & takes the time to respond to questions posted on her IG.

So, as a new chapter of my life begins, I hope to encourage others to meet their fitness and wellness goals, even if they don’t know what those goals are just yet.  If one person gains confidence; if one person gets off prescription medications due to better health; if one person starts their fitness journey - these are all driving forces for why erin b. personal fitness came to be.  

Real change is beyond fitness. Real change starts on the inside.  It’s more than physical fitness. It’s personal fitness.

And a huge thank you to those of you who helped make this dream a reality: my sweet hubby, my mom, dad and sister, my trainer @bodybybillups and whoa nelly!; also to all my ladies who have very willingly been my guinea pigs as I gained experience and confidence!

Erin Bethea